Monday, 20 October 2014

Audi's New Prototype RS7 can drive around by Itself and Damn that thing is Fast !!!!! P.S- They call it Self Piloted

Why put Vin Diesel in a car and make him do freakish things for the Fast and the Furious Movie !? Instead the director can get one of these and make a Movie-

Since google Introduce it's Self Driving tech to the World, Every Freakin Automotive company is trying to Reverse Engineer that thing and add it to their cars. Tesla Automotive were the first to introduce it on their Model D, the world's fastest Electric and self driving car. But Now since the Dutch Guys also started showing some intrest on it, Audi researched Self driving tech in some place in the middle of Europe which kinda Looks like Area 51 !!!! When they made that thing drive itself Somewhere in Germany (Probably the Nurburgring) it did 150 MPH !! This would have been more interesting if:
1) The Audi did several laps, and by a learning algorithm tried to improve it lap times by specifically experimenting with lines
2) The Audi used a little bit of curbing
3) The Audi actually made a mistake and learned from that
4) The Audi got a little bit of tire squeal in one or two turns
5) The Audi circulated it "perfect lap" a few times, then somebody threw an OTC on a straightaway and see an adjustment out of the Audi.

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